Quest Magazine

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£3.7 million to provide high quality homes for Veterans in 2024

£3.7 million to provide high quality homes for Veterans in 2024


18 Oct, 2024

Delivered on behalf of the Office for Veterans' Affairs, the Veterans’ Capital Housing Fund supports initiatives that align with the broader goal of ending Veterans' homelessness by providing affordable and sustainable housing for Veterans.

In November 2023, the Office for Veterans' Affairs launched a third funding programme, the Major Capital Grants Programme, which supports significant refurbishment projects, including extensions and new builds, to provide high-quality rental accommodation and support for Veterans with housing needs.

Collectively, these programmes have supported 21 projects to date, with a total investment of more than £3.8 million since December 2023.

Here is more information on the achievements of these important projects, many of which are already delivering results in support of Veterans:

Development Grants

The Development Grants Programme, which provides grants of up to £25,000, has supported six organisations in progressing their building ideas to the point where on-site work can commence. This funding includes professional support for architects, quantity surveyors, and project managers.

In Wales, Woody's Lodge received funding to design four sustainable living units as part of a broader initiative aimed at addressing Veterans' homelessness. Located in a rural Welsh cottage, the project also serves as a training facility, enhancing employability prospects for Veterans and fostering independence.

Progress at Woody’s Lodge has included the recruitment of a part-time project manager who has played a key role in coordinating efforts, securing volunteers, and ensuring early-stage tasks, such as plumbing and electrical work, are completed smoothly. The involvement of local volunteers has been instrumental to the success of the project.

In total, six development grants worth £147,356 were awarded between December 2023 and March 2024.

Refurbishment Grants

The Refurbishment Grants programme, offering awards of up to £75,000, has enabled organisations to refurbish or extend rental accommodation for Veterans, providing them with high-quality housing and support.

Between December 2023 and September 2024, 11 projects were supported with grants totaling £672,583.

The Block Armed Forces Foundation CIO received £45,000 to refurbish an eight-single-occupancy bedsit building in Liverpool, which is used to house homeless Veterans referred by other support organisations. The refurbishment will also convert a commercial office space into a common area for residents and transitioning homeless Veterans, including those with specific access needs.

More recently, in September 2024, The Gentoo Group was awarded £39,119 to refurbish three void properties in Sunderland, creating the city’s first dedicated transitional housing for homeless Veterans.

Major Capital Projects

Since the launch of the Major Capital Grants Programme in November 2023, four organisations have been awarded nearly £3 million in funding.

Veterans' Housing Scotland was the first recipient, securing funding for a major refurbishment programme aimed at improving and extending affordable housing options for disabled Veterans in Scotland. The project focuses on preventing existing housing stock from becoming uninhabitable and providing safe, secure homes for disabled Veterans and their families.

Most of the work so far has been preparatory, with properties surveyed and processes established.

Veterans Getting Back on Their Feet

In July 2024, two more significant awards were made. Bournemouth War Memorial Homes received funding to build four eco-friendly, energy-efficient, affordable homes on their existing site in Bournemouth. These homes will provide Veterans in need with discounted rent, offering them a chance to regain stability.

In Southeast England, Royal British Legion Industries received the largest grant of £1 million for the refurbishment of 28 homes within their Centenary Village. This mixed development includes disability-adapted apartments, family homes, and emergency accommodation for female Veterans.

In September 2024, Hull 4 Heroes was awarded funding for their Veterans’ Village in the North East. This self-sustaining community will offer housing units, a community support hub, and bespoke training opportunities, helping Veterans and their families integrate into a stable local community and transition to civilian life.

More to Come

While many excellent projects have already received support, opportunities for funding are still available.

The final round of the Refurbishment Grants Programme closes on 3 January 2025. Full details and eligibility criteria can be found on the programme's webpage.

The Major Capital Grants programme operates in two stages. Expressions of interest for the next round are due by 8 January 2025, with the final round closing on 18 June 2025.

Find Out More

Details of all awarded grants are listed on the Office for Veterans' Affairs website.