All set to capitalise on the bike boom!

In this Q&A, Matt Waters, a level 3 student in Cycle Maintenance and Repair at Cycle Systems Academy, shares his experience of the course and his future plans once qualified …
What position did you hold in the military? Drill Instructor/Engineer, RAF.
How long did you serve? It will be 16 and a half years.
What drew you to bicycle maintenance in the first place? I am a former downhill racer, added to which I didn’t want to work for anyone else and the industry is completely booming!
What do you plan to do with the qualifications you have studied here at Cycle Systems? I am going to open my own shop offering sales and repairs. Since I’ve studied I have noticed that, in the four and a half minutes it takes me to have a cigarette break outside, on average 41 bikes pass by, no matter what time of day it is. And that demand is only set to increase.
How do you feel about running a business? Can’t bloody wait!
What do you think of the Cycle Systems Academy? It’s a very good set-up. Certainly friendly and the instructors are fantastic (I’m an instructor myself so I know what I’m talking about!). Very accommodating. Cycle Systems also provide a continuous link and support for information and set-up through their Associate scheme, so that will be really useful to me.
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