Here are five cybersecurity roles that align well with your military experience and offer career change opportunities.
Are you looking for a rewarding career path with freedom, excellent earning potential, and plenty of growth opportunities? Look no further than the logistics sector!
Queen Ethelburga’s Collegiate in York is home to approximately 340 Forces students on a campus of around 1300 students.
Compassa, a leading provider of online health and safety training, has announced an impressive 93% pass rate for the NEBOSH National General Certificate (NGC).
Tim Scrivener, a former Petty Officer in the Royal Navy, has successfully transitioned from his military career to civilian life, now thriving as an Agile Transformation Consultant.
Zoe Hewines from The Family Law Company explains what you need to know about your position if youíve decided to get divorced.
Higher education at a college or university is about more than bachelor’s degrees. It refers to qualifications and courses you can take after the age of 18. That includes diplomas, foundation years and more – in fact, a range of options, many of which have a vocational slant. So, if you’re ready to aim higher, HE could be the option for you …
Sometimes also referred to as online learning or remote study (among other things), distance learning offers the perfect opportunity to focus on picking up new skills and qualifications – wherever in the world you are and without distractions …
If your future plans call for a higher-level qualification, or you want to try something new and change direction when you make the transition from Service life, an Access Diploma could be just what you need to open wide your window of opportunity …
A career in the digital infrastructure industry could well be the perfect fit for you. But what exactly is it, and how can you get the qualifications you need?
Following on from our previous article* – and staying with the theme of ‘the effects of inflation on pensions’ – here we explain how your State Pension (sometimes referred to as the ‘old age pension’) retains its value …
… during your civilian job search by shining a light on the many transferable skills – both ‘soft’ and technical – you can demonstrate thanks to your military career.
Here at Quest, we’re aware that cyber security is on the up as a popular career choice among Service leavers. If it’s a sector you’ve set your sights on, Airbus CyberSecurity has rounded up a list of tech predictions that we hope you’ll find useful. Based on trends identified at its Security Operations Centres in France, the UK and Germany, as well as recent geopolitical and social events, the full list of predictions provides insider information that will inform you – and could set you apart from the rest
SaluteMyJob is once again teaming up with Abertay University, the UK’s leading provider of advanced ethical hacking courses, to deliver a pioneering programme that aims to support members of the Armed Forces community on their journey towards a promising and exciting new career in this field …
How can you approach your resettlement and transition journey in a successful and positive way? The best and most practical answer to that question is probably, ‘Ask for help’, so here’s some sound advice on how to do just that …
Want to earn while you learn, gain hands-on experience and industry-specific qualifications in your chosen field? An apprenticeship could be (more than) just the job!
With the Consumer Price Index seemingly a permanent fixture in the news these days – and due to soar even higher – just what does it mean for you and your Armed Forces pension? The Forces Pension Society is here with the knowledge you need …
If you have been in a leadership role while in uniform, have you stopped to consider whether military leadership differs from that found in the civilian workplace? Is a similar leadership philosophy required? What about leadership style? And do both sectors hold to the same leadership values? Former Army Captain turned fiction author Steve Higgs is here with some answers …
If you’re looking for the perfect new start, the digital infrastructure industry could help you achieve that goal …
There are several stages to the ELC process. Full details are set out in Joint Service Publication 822 (JSP 822).