Useful contacts

27 Apr, 2020
Need to know more? Here’s who can help …
For general enquiries about the scheme, eligibility and qualifications, seek advice from the following single-Service education and resettlement staff in the first instance, not ELCAS.
- RN: RN/RM Education and Resettlement Officers (EROs), Naval Education and Training Support Officers (NETSOs) and Naval Resettlement Information Officers (NRIOs) at RN/RM Learning Centres. Education and Resettlement Staff seeking further clarification of sS instructions should contact Amanda Rayner or Stephen Gowling
- Army: Individual Education and Resettlement Officers (IERO), at Army Education Centres, which must be used by Service leavers on resettlement. Education and Resettlement Staff seeking further clarification of sS instructions should contact the relevant SO2 Retention and Resettlement in Regional Command (RC), SO2 Retention and Resettlement in Regional Command (RC): RC-Pers-ETS-N-RetResSO2 or RC-Pers-ETS-SRetResSO2
- RAF: Personal Learning Advisors (PLAs), and Resettlement and Education Coordinators (REC) at RAF Learning Centres. Education and Resettlement Staff seeking further clarification of sS instructions should contact Learning Credits Administrator at
In addition, advice on any aspect of the ELC and FE/HE schemes is available by emailing