Quest Magazine

Independent resettlement & recruitment guide for Armed Forces & Veterans

Free advice for veterans seeking a role in the Fire Service

Free advice for veterans seeking a role in the Fire Service


25 Nov, 2021

RFEA – The Forces Employment Charity is teaming up with representatives from the Fire Service to offer free careers advice to any job-seeking veterans interested in a role …

The collaboration comes as part of RFEA’s latest Careers Sitrep, a monthly livestream event hosted by RFEA featuring guest speakers from employers who recognise and appreciate the skills and attributes of those who have served in the military. Each session is designed to inspire veterans to consider new career paths and provide valuable insight for those looking for support with finding a meaningful civilian job.

Although the live event took place in late November, it is still available to view at any time (find out more on the link below). The broadcast included an informal ‘fireside chat’ session with:

  • host Alistair Halliday, CEO of RFEA and former Royal Navy Commodore
  • serving Reservist in the Army and Intelligence Corps JP Helliwell, station manager and Armed Forces Covenant lead for Manchester Fire and Rescue Service
  • Kate Hughes, Royal Navy veteran and RFEA employment advisor
  • Ché Scott, station manager core skills and technical rescue and HM Armed Forces liaison officer at Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue, who formerly served in the RAF.

It covered a number of topics, such as:

  • how each guest found the experience of transitioning into a civilian career
  • what it is about the Fire Service that makes it a good fit for ex-military
  • the kinds of roles that veterans can consider in the Fire Service
  • top tips for any ex-Forces personnel looking to join the Fire Service
  • where veterans can go to for advice about their next career step.

RFEA employment advisor Kate Hughes comments: ‘The Fire Service offers excitement, a huge sense of responsibility and a fantastic level of camaraderie (which we know is one of the biggest motivators for those who have served), so it is no surprise that the Fire Service and the other ‘blue light’ services remain a popular and fulfilling career choice for ex-Forces looking for a civilian role. As someone who served in the military for 12 years, I understand first hand how it feels to transition to civvy street and have helped countless veterans find meaningful jobs after their Forces career comes to an end, including roles within the Fire Service and other blue-light services. I will be sure to share plenty of tips and pointers during the session for others looking to do the same.’ 

For more information visit

About RFEA

RFEA – The Forces Employment Charity exists to provide lifelong, life-changing support, job opportunities and training to Service leavers, reservists, veterans and their families, irrespective of circumstances, rank, length of service or reason for leaving.

Founded in 1885 and operating across the UK, we have the specialist knowledge and understanding to bridge the gap between military life and civilian employment. We work in partnership with other organisations and employers who, like us, respect and value the unique qualities and abilities of all those who have served.

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