Quest Magazine

Independent resettlement & recruitment guide for Armed Forces & Veterans

Transitioning into Fire Risk Assessor: Craig Parker’s story


11 Sep, 2017

Final Rank: former Lance Corporal, Royal Engineers
Courses completed: Vulcan Fire Training Fire Manager and Advanced Diploma

‘I enrolled on to the five-day Fire Risk Assessor course, and found the training staff to be very helpful and extremely knowledgeable. This made it much easier to learn given the fact that everything on the course was based around real situations.

‘On completion of the course, I signed up to the Managing Fire Safety four-day course, which allowed me to complete the Fire Manager course, and the Fire Manager Advanced Diploma. The Managing Fire Safety course was more intense than the Fire Risk Assessor, but the invaluable knowledge of the instructors (both of whom are retired fire-fighters) made it easy to take in and learn.

‘I then attended the Advanced Diploma. I was initially apprehensive about going on the course, not just because of the increased workload, but also doubting my own abilities and experience. After my first day, however, my fears were laid to rest – the workload and exams, although mentally demanding, were not unachievable.

‘The instructors break every aspect down in such a way that you can easily understand, process and apply the knowledge to the job. They are enthusiastic and dedicated to what they do, which made learning from them so much more fun and achievable. I doubt I would have passed the course if it weren’t for their skill, approachability and dedication to their job.

‘Many thanks to the staff at Vulcan Fire Training, without whose help I would not have been able to complete – let alone pass – the course. It is more appreciated than you could imagine. Thank you.’

We have just heard from Craig that he has been awarded GradIFireE from the Institution of Fire Engineers (IFE).

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